dimarts, 14 d’octubre del 2014


Today we have started our class in English at the morning. We talk about the water cycle and about evaporation, condensation, collection, transport of the water.
Later we start games in the playground. The name of the game is water relay.
For lunch we have got macaroni, chips, chicken and yogurt. Then we brush the teeth.

In the afternoon, we do the teacher’s project. OH!!!!! WE GO TO THE SHOWER!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!  
Avui hem començat la classe d'angles  pel mati. Hem parlat del cicle de l'aigua, evaporació, condensacio, transport de l'aigua. Despues hem començat els jocs al pati, es diu relleus d'aigua .
Per dinar hem tingut macarrons, patates, pollastre i un iogurt . Desprès ens hem rentat les dents .
Per la tarda, hem fet el projecte del les senyoretes . OH!!! TENIM QUE ANAR A LA DUTXA !!!!FINS DEMA !!

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