Avui al matí hem anat caminant fins a Riópar al museu de bronze. Hem esmorzat i hem anat a un parc on hem jugat a un joc que es deia Cluedo que consistia en buscar a l'assasí. Hem dinat i ens en hem anat cap a la Toma del Agua.
A la tarda hem presentat el power point que hem preparat i també els experiments que ens hem estudiat als nens de Madrid.
Aquesta nit farem disco per a celebrar la última nit. Ha arribat l'hora de marxar!! Adeu!!!!
Today in the morning we have breakfast and we have walked to Riópar.
We have visited the museum of bronze.
Then we have gone to a Park. There we have played to a game called "Cluedo"
with the monitors and we have lunch.
In the afternoon we present our Power Point and our experiments to the children of Madrid.
This night we have a disco to celebrate the last night. Its time to go home!! Bye bye!!!!
me ho hai passat molt bee son les millors vacacions k he passat