dimarts, 8 d’octubre del 2013

Dimarts / Tuesday

Avui dimarts hem anat a veure on neix el Rio Mundo.
Allà hem vist cascades, llacs i roques. Cap alla i hem anat amb autobus.
Al tornar hem fet una classe d'anglès molt bonica.
A l'hora lliure hem pogut jugar a futbol, baixar pel tobogan, ... quan hem acabat de jugar, hem ballat una coreografia per reunir-nos tots. A l'acabar la setmana us ensenyarem com ballem la coreografia!

Today, in the morning, we have visited where Rio Mundo begins by bus.
Then we have seen waterfalls, lakes and rocks.
When we have come back, we have done a beautiful english class.
In our free time we have played football and with the slides of the park.
We have danced our coreography and played games.


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