dimecres, 7 d’octubre del 2015

Today is Wednesday  7th of October 2015.


We wake up at 8:30 and we have breakfast. We have assembly time and we sing songs. This is our morning routine.

Today we went to Torremocha and we played Treasure Hunt in the town.


We came back to Jarama and we made perfumes.

After lunch, we played sports and we had a shower, as every day.

Ahh, last night we played "night games" outside!

Avui hem fet les rutines diàries, com cada matí. Hem anat a Torremocha i hem fet una gimcana pel poble.

Quan hem tornat, hem fet perfums...quines oloretes!

Després de dinar, hem jugat a esports i cap a la dutxa!

Ahh, ahir a la nit vam jugar a jocs nocturns a fora!

In this blog, you can see more photos.

CEI El Jarama

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